Monday, August 15, 2011

The Trenchant Teabagger...

Blaze Bombchelle

She's the current front runner, and her back sides not running too badly either.
In this time of the great debate debacle over our national IOU,
She's been declared the winner in the state of I-O-Way!
And it's in this, her home state of disarray that the telegenial Miss Bombchelle walked away with top honors in the informal, inbred, institutional caucus of older, white, rural and evangelical hayseeds.
But please don't take my word for it, or even hers for that matter, because along with her winning poll numbers, she gets to hold the various and nefarious, not to mention simultarious titles of Miss Representative, Miss Spoken, Miss Judgement, Miss Taken, and Sub-Missive Mistress of the media for the next news cycle or until Snooki gets her next alcohol induced walking blackout.
Stay Tuned Tease Party Teabaggers,
The great electoral scrotum is about to descend!

Open Wide!!!

Treaddy The Teabagger

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Treaddy,The Trenchant Teabagger 'Sez...

Treaddy Debt Ceiling

That's right Teabaggers, Treaddy (Our ever present Tease Party Mascot) just said a mouthful. The whole national mood has just shifted into heightened Teabagger mode! Everyone, young and old, has just gotten a taste of the Teabagger venom. And the poison is spreading - Check out the Stock Market's swing, Grand Ma's 401K has taken a bite, college tuition, credit card swipes, mortgage rates... you name it!
The whole nation is in arousal following Treaddy's lead.
Before too long, the national currency motto won't be E Pluribus Unum, it'll be...

Tease Party Flag